About the Internship Training Plan and Resources
The activities and resources included in the Training Plan are intended to introduce Interns to foundational public health science practices in several general and cross-cutting domains (topic areas) for public health laboratory professionals including safety, ethics, general laboratory practice and quality management systems (QMS).
Please note:
- All training resources are provided to interns free of charge.
- You are expected to complete the training plan as specified.
- Interns are encouraged to collaborate with their mentors about the training plan.
How to Access the Training Resources
APHL Learning Center (ALC)
- Access the APHL Learning Center learning management system (LMS).
- You will be directed to the MC Trade single sign-on page.
- Enter your APHL username and password.
- Access your Internship Training Plan in the “My Courses” section of “My Learning Center.”
- You will receive an email confirming your enrollment.
- Start learning!
During the first month, all interns are required to complete the Safety Training Activity Guide (pdf) and the Laboratory Safety eLearning course. Following month one, interns are required to complete the remaining training activities included in their Training Plan. The order and prioritization of each training activity should be discussed with mentors. Additional training may be included at the discretion of each host laboratory.
How to Contact Support
For questions regarding issues in the APHL Learning Center, send an email to Learning.Support@aphl.org. In your email, provide as many details as possible about your issue, including screenshots if possible.